
Registration for the 2025-26 school year will soon be underway!  On Monday, January 27th any open spots will be available to the public.  All available spots will be filled first come, first serve so call now for more information or to be placed on our wait list.  864-268-5028

Read our school brochure here.  Children will be placed in classes based on their age as of September 1, 2025. All children must have an updated South Carolina certificate of immunization by the first day of school. Immunizations must also be updated regularly according to the SC Immunization Schedule. For the health and safety of our children, we do not accept religious exemption statements in place of immunization certificates.

All K4 and K5 children must be potty trained. We feel total potty training is not always achievable in young 3 year olds, and to be potty training into the K3 year is normal.

To register for our program, please read the Registration letter and complete the Registration Form (2 pages) and submit along with the Registration Fee (equal to one month’s tuition; this fee is non-refundable). To register your child for Late Stay (11:45 am – 1:45 pm), please submit August’s pre-payment for these hours. This payment is non-refundable.  You can use this payment calculator to determine the amount due for registration.

Registration is open to current CDC families first, Aldersgate church members next and then to the public. We keep a waiting list through the year to give priority once registration opens to the public. To be added to the waiting list, please call Jennifer Nelson at (864) 268-5028. We love to show off our program and will be happy to schedule a tour as well.