Our Approach

Aldersgate Child Development Center’s goal is to nurture and love your children so they can learn and grow.

This is not a daycare center, but a place for learning where our talented and professional staff teach your child the basics of education and The Bible. We focus on student and teacher interaction, and offer the following programs and emphases:


A young child’s mind is like a sponge when it comes to learning and using new words, and that can mean more than just English. We will begin teaching the K5 class the basics of Spanish, which has proven to lead to more academic success down the road.  Spanish is taught by Lisa Henderson.


Your child will learns songs, be introduced to a wide variety of musical instruments, and learn the basics of music theory one day a week. The goal of the program is to engage young minds and foster creativity. Music is taught by Emily Headley.

Church Library

The church library is the perfect place for classes to visit to pick up a book for storytime, or for K5 children to checkout books for themselves.

Chapel/ Bible

While Bible lessons are an important part of each child’s day, children in K3, K4 & K5 participate in a dedicated chapel lesson once a week. In chapel, the children learn key concepts and Bible stories, as well as a variety of Bible songs.

Physical Education

Our physical education classes focus on exercise as well as laying the foundation for making healthy choices.  PE is taught by Brooke Teague.

Field Trips

While classroom learning is essential to your child’s growth, time spent exploring the community is important as well. Our Kindergarten students take a variety of field trips during the year to local farms, the Pavilion for a snow carnival, the library and more. Your child’s teacher will have more information on dates, times and locations during the course of the year.

Emily Headley, Music

This is Emily’s seventh year at Aldersgate CDC.  She and her husband, Nathan, moved to Greenville in 2015 from Jacksonville, FL where she was a dental hygienist and sang in her Praise Team at church.  Emily has two boys, Mac (19) and Eli (16), who keep her very busy with sports and school.  Originally from Indiana, she received her Music degree and dental hygiene degree from Indiana University.  Emily enjoys incorporating age-appropriate standards in her songs during music to reinforce what is being taught in the classrooms.

Favorite Book:  The Book with No Pictures by B.J. Novak

Favorite Scripture:  1 Peter 4: 8   “Above all, show sincere love to each other, because love brings about the forgiveness of many sins.”

Lisa Henderson, Spanish

This is Señora Lisa!
Lisa Henderson was born in Colombia, South America.  She grew up hearing Spanish spoken in her home from a young age and loves to share it with the amigos that she works with here at Aldersgate. She has been teaching Spanish at Aldersgate for the last seven years. Most of her lessons are done through music and dancing, as well as stories and games with the children. When Señora is not teaching, she loves to spend time with  her husband of 28 years, Perry and their  three sons, ages 23,  22 and 19.
Favorite Bible verse: John 16:33. “I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.”
Favorite book to share with students: Say Hola to Spanish by Susan Middleton Elya.

Brooke Teague, PE

This is Brooke’s fourth year teaching at Aldersgate!  Like many of our teachers, she was a parent here first.  Brooke graduated from Clemson University.  She is married to Daniel, and they have 3 daughters – Ruthie, Peyton & Caroline.  Brooke worked in youth ministry for 17 years before joining the staff of Aldersgate to teach PE.  She loves spending time with family, chocolate, being outside and watching all sports – GO CLEMSON!  She is excited about the adventure ahead teaching PE and having fun with the Aldersgate children.
Favorite Book:  If You Give A Mouse A Cookie


Favorite Scripture:  “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6